This mod changes leveling and attribute advances to be more realistic and provide better game play. I uninstalled the mod and deleted levelupmenu. It seems it works perfectly. 2. About this mod. Which one is the best and works with this mod? There's no reason to use Realistic leveling as Ultimate leveling effectively is the more modern version of it. Sort by: Open comment sort options. I'm currently torn between a few different leveling mods. Realistic Leveling and Oblivion XP can both do this a little bit, but not as well as Fundament does. So at level 5 you’ll start seeing new enemies. 1. Either pick an experience based leveling system (like Oblivion XP), or a skill usage leveling system (like Realistic Leveling). start a new character and see what happens if you rest with it. With +5 Al Attribute Modifiers, it's a simple mod that is as close to the Vanilla game as possible, except without all the micromanaging of efficient leveling. It's goal is to rid the pc version of the horrid xbox interface. #3. The OOO mod remove the scaling. Magic + Realistic Leveling is a godsend. Mages Guild is obvious but combat magic (especially with a magic mod) makes the fighters guild possible and illusion. 2. Page 116 of 129 - Realistic Leveling - posted in File topics: In response to post #82443508. Realistic Leveling, like nearly every other leveling mod, changes the iLevelUpSkillCount to a large value. So what I did: -Put the RL mod in the Bash Installers folder. Either pick an experience based leveling system (like Oblivion XP), or a skill usage levelling system (like Realistic Levelling). I don't recommend Pure Immersion - which I'm currently using - as it has issues with realism mods that adjust stats. Major skills give you points towards your level up. The maximum Attribute bonus you can get is +5, and you get that by leveling up skills governed by that Attribute 10 times. 21, The Unofficial Patches, OCOv2 (+blockhead), HGEC, and DarnifiedUI, in addition to this mod. It makes no sense (and certainly not from a narration point) that a character has to refrain from using their major skills too much so they level up more slowly. esp. I have Realistic Leveling installed, but it conflicts with a new mod I want to install, DarNified UI. ago. Don't be confused with the old date of this mod, this is one of the best and solid leveling mod out there up to this date. You can also look for one that just does +5 to everything. Realistic Leveling problem. I have Realistic Leveling and Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul. I'm currently torn between a few different leveling mods. Install them manually, so that you gain full control over what you do. This mod changes leveling and attribute advances to be more realistic and provide better game play. My custom settings for DarNified UI. Oblivion that improves how attribute and level advancement works. I also really like the +5 attribute modifier when leveling mod. Basically an attribute increases one point when its associated skills improve 4. This mod make it also possible to sell loot without going. Theoretically, you could level up to level 255, because that's the highest value Oblivion variables can handle. OblivionData. I always did choose Luck every level. If anyone has run into or knows how to fix this much appreciation meanwhile I'll. Maskar's Ultimate Leveling allows for better customization of leveling that no other leveling mod. The experience based leveling system allows the player character. - +5 All Attribute Modifiers - Galerion Natural Leveling Revised - Realistic Leveling I like them all for different reasons. Business, Economics, and Finance. Played with Realistic Levelling mod though, i guess it makes leveling smoother, but in the end enemies still are. Intelligence is at 93 and I'm have not yet maxed mysticism. Take two weapons as majors that you don't normally use, and the armor you aren't using. I am currently either level 9 or 10 and my attributes are the same as when I was level 1. Share. 9 and 'Allow additional script types' to be set. Unofficial oblivion patch, supreme magicka, stealth overhaul, protocolled dialogues, silent voice, the uncapper, OBGE with some extras, streamline, and script optimization. robotusson • Additional comment actions. Realistic Leveling. sjsathanas • 10 yr. Honestly this one feels like how Vanilla should have alwasy been. Then, try to level the character normally by training skills and resting and then again by using console command "advlevel". - +5 All Attribute Modifiers - Galerion Natural Leveling Revised - Realistic Leveling I like them all for different reasons. Amazon. This creates much more immersion for me than choosing the attributes manually after a levelup. it was really nice, I never used realistic leveling though. Oblivion XP update make use of a XP system where you get points to distribute among attributes and for skills. Realistic Leveling tackles the separate issue of efficient player leveling. Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) View more. ini file. Every skill is governed by 3 Attributes and the more you use that skill, the more the attributes will increase over time. Simply put: oblivion uses a major / minor skills leveling system. Introduction-----This is a modification for Elderscrolls:Oblivion that provides immersive indicators. I decided to play a Dark Elf with a custom class, and while most things seem to be working properly I started with 20 Endurance and the lack of health is really becoming noticable. This mod increases the hardcoded ATTRIBUTES and SKILLS, level caps from 100 to 200 for all actors in game including the player. Oblivion XP update problems. Just comiserating. Spoiler kotop78 wrote: sorry Im new to modding but what is (OBMM) CarlosS4444 wrote: It stands for OBlivion Mod Manager. Gone though several hours of game play as a mage maxed out restoration,destruction and alteration but realistic leveling makes my Willpower 93. Popular leveling mods are Realistic Leveling and Oblivion XP. 2 Download: Manual 53 items Last updated 07 May 2023 11:01AM Original upload. Leveling past 30 will only make enemy health go up as well as your own health. Now I can't step into an Obvliion gate or finish a mission without leveling up with a mere +1 to +2 to my Blade and Marksman skills while the surrounding adversaries. I followed the instructions, installed it through OBMM, activated it, and booted up Oblivion. 100. Level and attributes will increase naturally as your skills improve, without the need to micromanageThis mod changes leveling and attribute advances to be more realistic and provide better game play. . That allows you to have full control over skill game an shifts the way in which you. Realistic Leveling [lets you just play your class naturally as originally intended. Until then when i run RL in OMM it still says. Level and attributes will increase naturally as your skills improve, without the need to micromanage. Intelligence is at 93 and Im have not yet maxed. 43 posts, 9/5 11:15AM. Keep in mind that none of these mods address issues with level scaling. I have 92 Sneak, 47 Security, and 45 Marksman, so in theory, my Agility should be 112. VierasMarius • 10 yr. This mod changes leveling and attribute advances to be more realistic and provide better game play. any. Personally, I *despise* Oblivion’s leveling system. I just hit level 3 and mys tats have been the same since the begining of the game. Level-up slowly (Major Skills grow faster than Minor Skills) Athletics is a terrible choice for a Major Skill because you are always using it. UI, INTERFACE, MENU - DarNified UI. So I have OBSE and its working correct according to the tester. You should see the mod's name in the right-hand panel. I am trying to play trough oblivion once again and I decided to mod leveling (last time I used vanilla and I do not want to repeat that again). Fast Exit is because I am quite familiar with the problem it fixes. I use realistic leveling and as you raise your skills your attributes rise, I'm pretty sure level only plays a small factor though. What can I do to max out Endurance as fast as possible, starting from Level 1? Login Store. On the 10th advance, you reach the next level. Simple installation, no messing with ini files, no bugs like in Realistic Leveling and NGCD (when the first action taken right after reload increases the appropriate skill for no reason). . it was really nice, I never used realistic leveling though. As for installing mods, don't try to use any mod manager, organizer, or vortex. AF Level Vs Realistic Levelling Mods. Level and attributes will increase naturally as your skills improve, without the need to micromanage. Now when i run the game, my stats don't get recalculated, neither do I get stats when. #3. How do I make it so that the mods are compatible with each other? Sorry if this sounds like a noob-ish question by the way, I'm new to modding and this game in general. Note: Equally as good alternatives are Realistic Leveling (another smooth leveler) and Oblivion XP (brings to Oblivion classic RPG exp). Download the file from Mod DB and read more about the features and requirements. And to level up you need +10 in the any of the major skills . Any class-weighted system, or any system that gives higher benefit for higher ranks, will yield a similar strategy. kotop78 wrote: thank you, I have Nexus mod. The leveling system in Oblivion isn't all that realistic if we’re being honest here. Best. SPAM is interesting too: it keeps the default oblivion leveling in place but ties your multipliers to your class (ie a mage would always get +5 to willpower but only +2 to strength, read the description for more info). Tag this mod Description; Files 2; Images 0; Videos 0;. Reply . You have the task of finding the hidden heir to a throne that sits empty. Since the leveling mods people use are usually more current, there is a better chance that the leveling mod contains the right compatibility support for the popular UI mods. The experience based leveling system allows the player character to level by gaining experience, which is done by performing actions like killing enemies, completing quests and discovering new locations. New landscaping, expanded towns and cities, several mods to adjust combat and tons of graphic mods to. Overall, a good mod, but it's pretty dangerous to use and has left me feeling weak, but free from the regular leveling of Oblivion. ago. ( Crafting, creature taming, etc) I use MOO with Better level lists, AULIAS, and always +5 attributes. It was done better in Morrowind, as were a lot of things, but basically, I wanted something that would let me get attribute level bonuses for a. ago. I'm not a big fan of vanilla Oblivion's leveling system, so when it comes to mods I'm having a hard time deciding between KCAS, nGCD, and Realistic Leveling. Efficient Leveling is getting 10 skill-ups under 3 governing attributes every level, so that on leveling you'll gain +5 in all 3. However. Level and attributes will increase naturally as your skills improve, without the need to micromanageI've tried so many times to get into this game and I'm really struggling, are there any mods that will make me love this game as much as everyone else seems to you can recommend?I'm banging my head against the wall trying to get my attributes to go over 100 with Realistic Leveling installed. In particular, Flexible Leveling is for people who (like me) think the default Oblivion leveling system needs some fine tuning, but isn't completely beyond repair. 14. Any class-weighted system, or any system that gives higher benefit for higher ranks, will yield a similar strategy. BondageSpider Jun 28, 2017 @ 7:47pm. I did a playthrough a couple of months ago where I was very OCD about getting 3 +5's every level, and while I was able to do that, it came at the cost of making the game very tedious and spending about half of my playtime focusing on leveling specific skills rather than playing and having fun. Manual installation shouldn't be the problem. Just follow the guide carefully and you'll understand how leveling attributes works in no time. I tried it on the Steam version of Oblivion, and it's working great. For me, the perfect option has been Realistic Leveling. . Realistic leveling, in my experience gives you fewer stat points than if you would level with max efficiency (getting the +5/+5/+5 or +5/+5/+1 per level-up) in vanilla Oblivion. A compilation of the Better Cities mods, translated from the original German mods into English, with other mods integrated in, and then vastly enhanced and expanded upon. • 5 yr. If you level up Blade your strength increases some points automatically, if you level up Block your endurance increases some points automatically. nGCD, Fundament, Realistic Leveling together - posted in Oblivion Mod Talk: Starting over with Oblivion recently, these old mods came in mind, I was using nGCD along with Progress back in the days (~2010). This mod changes leveling and attribute advances to be more realistic and provide better game play. My heavy armor skill is at 102, my block at 35, and armorer at 73 yet. Description This mod changes how the player character levels, removing the need for efficient leveling and making character development more diverse. By improving these skills, you can level up your character more easily and more realistically. 130 votes, 33 comments. Checked that the ini file is in the Oblivion data folder and made sure all lines had a value. Release date: Nov 13, 2007. I don't want to use OBMM to install it as an OMOD. Level and attributes will increase naturally as your skills improve, without the need to micromanage them or worry about what skills to use to optimise your advancement. Just wondering if I installed the Realistic Leveling mod correctly. Realistic Leveling ===== Version: 1. You earn experience points for doing stuff until you get enough to gain a level. But I found the culprit: Realistic Leveling. After a quick glance the mod Realistic Leveling looks like a mod I should have installed years ago. Sort by: Open comment sort options. Realistic Leveling works pretty much exactly like Skyrim's system. There is Attribute Progression Redesign (best and fair), Automatic Attribute (more fluid leveling) or +5 Attribute Level Up (cheat but kinda fair). Another definitive mod for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Best mod to remove it? - posted in Oblivion Mod Talk: So, I am starting to experience some level-scaling now that my character is leveling up. Spoiler DellVanity wrote: Ive been redownloading my oblivion mods but whenever I try to use this and run TES4LODGen, it says that Oblivion. But you only lose one skill point a day for each day spent in prison, up to a total of 10. Only left is the old user interfaces. 13 installed. This mod changes leveling and attribute advances to be more realistic and provide better game play. Manual Skills: By the mod default, you get 25 points to use for Major skills and 15 for minor. 2K subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 1 2 3 4 5 6. After you get so much of this generic XP, you level. The best way to play Oblivion is to use OOO and Legendary Mastery mods. Or you can quickly test it via Console Commands. If you can mod it,. I recently started playing thought the game again with Realistic Leveling installed. Replaying through Oblivion this week and I happened to make the mistake of forgetting the round-about way of leveling skills without inducing a completely level-up your character. Original UI is pretty crap on KBM and DarNified is much better. 12+ and 'Allow additional script types' to be set in OBMM. Realistic Leveling handle everything by auto and I just installed it and ran it as it was but it also. Realistic Leveling Problem - posted in Oblivion Mod Troubleshooting: I currently have better cities and realistic leveling v. (Of course the other way to "fix" this exploit of the game being easier at level 1 is to overhaul the level scaling in Oblivion entirely, if you want to go that route. I have v1. If you raise Heavy Armor and Block by 5 points apiece, the next time. The former is for those who like the idea of improving their skills by using them overtime like in the vanilla game, but hate the whole attribute ordeal. go to sleep. 6 or 0. Hey Guys, I have been looking around and some people suggest to do the opposite when starting your game (If you want to be a mage pick a non-magic…The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion . Need help with textures. This mod improves how attribute and level advancement works in Oblivion, making it more realistic and natural. PowerAttack Voicemod-- causes OOO Lock Bashing to fail if loaded after OOO. This mod aims to produce a more realistic and pleasant Oblivion experience. Oblivion Scaling Unclusterfucked- In short, how vanilla Oblivion should have been made. With +5 Al Attribute Modifiers, it's a simple mod that is as close to the Vanilla game as possible, except without all the micromanaging of efficient leveling. Version. - +5 All Attribute Modifiers - Galerion Natural Leveling Revised - Realistic Leveling I like them all for different reasons. A subreddit dedicated to mods, screenshots, videos, tactics, news and anything…An Oblivion mod that fixes over 2,500 bugs (and 70,000 object placement errors. As your skills progress, your attributes and level are automatically increased using a complex formula. 2K subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3. That means that you have 21 * (100-10) = 1890 skill-ups in your game to reach 100 in all skills. This mod changes leveling and attribute advances to be more realistic and provide better game play. I am running Oblivion with OBSE . This is because every skill increase contributes to levelling up in Realistic Leveling. First step is to read the modpage to determine where it should go or how to find it. Jump. A mod like that unlevels the world, i. It's goal is to rid the pc version of the horrid xbox interface. I don't want to use OBMM to install it as an OMOD. Bethesda Softworks | 2K Games | Released 2006. Description This mod changes how the player character levels, removing the need for efficient leveling and making character development more diverse. setav blade 100' will increase your blade to 100, then check if the bar moved and if you gained a level after saving and reloading. Tag this mod Description; Files 2; Images 0; Videos 0;. Fonts are smaller, settings can be adjusted in game, user controls are scaled, more info on screen, and the hud is vastly improved. Realistic leveling installs better with OBMM for this reason. Craig Martin. Just don't mod. By improving these skills, you can level up your character more easily and more realistically. The whole point of Realistic Leveling is that you don't need to worry so much about numbers. FOV Modifier To permanently set the FOV to whatever you want. Realistic Leveling works pretty much exactly like Skyrim's system. I really dont want to do all that wpork again is there any way i can fix this issue or at the very least get the vanilla default back any feedback would help . 12 of OBMM. Hello, with many other mods, I installed Realistic Leveling with Wrye Bash a while ago and set all the "<like this>" settings in ini file to default values. Hello, I recently reinstalled Oblivion after a several year hiatus (been playing since 2010). . ini, then launch the game and it'll make a new . esm . $1. 23 votes, 19 comments. With +5 Al Attribute Modifiers, it's a simple mod that is as close to the Vanilla game as possible, except without all the micromanaging of efficient leveling. Level and attributes will increase naturally as your skills improve, without the need to micromanageRealistic Leveling makes leveling up less of a headache and FCOM makes a lot of areas static, so if combat is too gnarly I can go punch mudcrabs for a while until I'm tougher. I did these steps in order: 1. So I have to mash foods into hundreds of. Game is rated M for ages 17+This video is non intended for anyone under 13. Realistic Leveling tackles the separate issue of efficient player leveling. The only mod that is installed via OBMM on my end is Realistic Leveling and that's it. Now there is a random chance of getting a silent track which creates a length-dependent pause - the. Get a leveling mod (realistic leveling for a more vanilla experience and oblivion XP for a more traditional RPG), a combat mod (deadly reflex or unecessary violence), a magic mod (Supreme magicka, LAME, Middas) and an overhaul if you want (Oscuro and Maskar's Overhaul work great together). These flaws encourage bizarre behaviour to optimise advancement, like avoiding certain skills to delay leveling, intentionally using "out of character" skills to boost attributes, or focusing on endurance skills early to. This mod changes leveling and attribute advances to be more realistic and provide better game play. 15' - 1x. txt from the Menus folder in the Oblivion data folder and that allowed me to level up the vanilla way. Either pick an experience based leveling system (like Oblivion XP), or a skill usage leveling system (like Realistic Leveling). I tried moving the Realistic Leveling INI to another folder and then tried to undo the move, which is when the problem began. Brilliant and simple, it automatically levels the attribute associated with a skill a as you use it, and slightly levels neighboring skills as well through a wheel concept. * In vanilla oblivion NPC health are basically only 50% of PC health even though both are the same level and have equally high endurance. Tweaked ENB, if your PC can handle it. This mod changes leveling and attribute advances to be more realistic and provide better game play. It avoids excessive configurability and options, focusing instead on making it right and. By default no vanilla race starts with less than 30. Posted by u/Sigral - 2 votes and 2 commentsThis should help. Popular scaling overhauls include Oscuro's. BobCrosswise • 6 yr. Load it. This mod changes leveling and attribute advances to be more realistic and provide better game play. Its not so bad/ridiculous yet, just some bandits having steel axes, bows and arrows. You're correct in that leveling major skills contributes to leveling up your character just like in vanilla, however you ALSO get a small boost to your character level progress whenever you level any other minor skill. Try using wait to let several hours pass before sleeping, the more the better. Don't know what the problem is. ago. This mod changes leveling and attribute advances to be more realistic and provide better game play. "I used to play Oblivion on Xbox, and now I just started Oblivion GOTY on PC and installing a few mods. activated the omod with OBMM and set the config options. On the other hand, there are many advantages to leveling. 12. 2. Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) View more. Flareprime • 7 yr. Preview file contents. For the main file 'MenuQue v16b'. Oblivion XP uses an experience point system in which you get to assign experience points to raise skills, but otherwise leaves the leveling system intact, if I remember correctly. It’s also a much newer mod and the only one being actively developed. nGCD (not Galsiah's Character Development) Oblivion XP. Everything else (including Oblivion Reloaded) is installed manually. Just like the Character level up, the combination does not matter. This mod changes leveling and attribute advances to be more realistic and provide better game play. 3. Plus, skill will cost more by increasing them. It seems kinda realistic that you have to use those skills to upgrade those certain attributes. CREDITS to DarN for original mod and Xerus for OIO, from where I sneaked some values. My personal reccomendations are MOO and Attribute Progression Redesign. Realistic leveling is a God send. Fonts are smaller, settings can be adjusted in game, user controls are scaled, more info on screen, and the hud is vastly improved. This unofficial patch for the mod Radiant AI - NPCs Alive - Cyrodiil - Beta fixes a few incompatibilities between the Unofficial Oblivion Patch and the mod, by merging the faction changes between the two mods. Also if you use a mod I haven't listed for this, feel free to mention it anyways!in vanilla, enemies level up every 4 levels. For me the absolute best is "Realistic Leveling". - +5 All Attribute Modifiers - Galerion Natural Leveling Revised - Realistic Leveling I like them all for different reasons. A key aspect of Oblivion is that when you level, the strength of most opponents increases: the level of many NPCs will be higher, and you will encounter more difficult creatures. Level and attributes will increase naturally as your skills improve, without the need to micromanage. With +5 Al Attribute Modifiers, it's a simple mod that is as close to the Vanilla game as possible, except without all the micromanaging of efficient leveling. Page 102 of 131 - Realistic Leveling - posted in File topics: In response to post #58302211. I generally have mods that fix that issue, but if I was playing on console I would definitely be dropping the difficulty slider. I had got used to how the vanila leveling works and enjoyed the micro management part which also helped me learn about all the skills and attributes but I'm sure there is a mod that makes it a better experience especially at the start of a game. Downloaded and installed OBMM v1. Either pick an experience based leveling system (like Oblivion XP), or a skill usage levelling system (like Realistic Levelling). Everything else (including Oblivion Reloaded) is installed manually. This is NOT a +5 to all attributes mod! Yay it's lore-friendly! This mod changes how many skill increases it takes for the +1,+2,+3,+4 and +5 attribute gain at level-up. Level and attributes will increase naturally as your skills improve, without the need to micromanage them or worry about what skills to use to optimise your advancement. If you play smart, it can be a bit of a problem, but it's not insurmountable. I recently started playing thought the game again with Realistic Leveling installed. The 2 most popular/supported are Realistic Leveling and nGCD. delete oblivion. When I try to run WB with debug, I get the same message. You earn experience points for doing stuff until you get enough to gain a level. I've always thought Galerion's Natural Leveling Revised was the best one. For agility levels, I'll take a different approach and just do sneak/archery everywhere, avoiding combat as much as possible. Realistic Leveling is automatic and makes adjustments for race, class, etc. Go to oblivion r/oblivion •. Manual Skills: By the mod default, you get 25 points to use for Major skills and 15 for minor. Daemon_Monkey • 9 yr. Leveling up adds tougher monsters, slightly better weapons, and gives you attribute bonuses based on which skills you have been using. Idle Dialogues - adds unused NPC dialogue that was left in the vanilla game files. Simple installation, no messing with ini files, no bugs like in Realistic Leveling and NGCD (when the first action taken right after reload increases the appropriate skill for no reason). ini file is in Documents/My Games/Oblivion. ago. It's stuck at 100. Adds a few new items, but the most important thing it does is add a shared library that several other mods use as well as in-game menus for them. Required for all maps. It makes the game so much more fun. So you level up based on your usage of your major skills. Now I can't step into an Obvliion gate or finish a mission without leveling up with a mere +1 to +2 to my Blade and Marksman skills while the surrounding adversaries. Realistic leveling is nice but some people prefer mods that give you +5 every level up no matter what. (Smooth Leveling) nGCD - smooth leveling, no sleeping to level up, no modifiers, totally configurable equally as good alternatives are Realistic Leveling (another smooth leveler) and Oblivion XP (brings to Oblivion classic RPG exp) This mod is partly inspired by KCAS, so it is a nice, more current alternative for KCAS users. Decided to use a leveling mod because, while geeking out can be fun, Skyrim's leveling is much less of a pain. Do any of you know what might cause RL to work stat wise but not level up wise?Use this list as a reference for mod ideas, compatability checks and perhaps some ini settings. You choose which skills affect both your level and your attributes and ev. As Todd said "It just works". It's up to you to find the lost heir to the throne and. It was only when I started to learn useful things that I improved. The link in my sig has a more detailed description. As Todd said "It just works". ). It requires you to min/max your skill gains between levels so you can get strong attribute bonuses, and actually penalizes you for having more starting skill levels in your major. Page 1 of 2 - Heard that level scaling sucks. Just wondering if I installed the Realistic Leveling mod correctly. Automatic Attributes is yet another attempt at alleviating Oblivion's annoying efficient leveling problem, but by changing as little about the vanilla leveling concepts as possible. ago. Checked that the ini file is in the Oblivion data folder and made sure all lines had a value. In Morrowind, you can't use a trainer to get a skill higher than the governing stat. It is possible I had one of the . Maybe try installing a mod like alternate start so. Oblivion Scaling Uncluster vs Realistic Leveling. 3. . About the Levelling system. Mostly I use Realistic Leveling, but occasionally I'll switch over to Oblivion XP when I feel like a change of pace - despite changing only one aspect of the game, it feels like a completely different game sometimes. Omods are the most fully featured format for Oblivion modding. There’s also Ultimate Levelling, which adds an XP mechanic, and several mods. Realistic Leveling is immediately below Oblivion but above all the other DLCs, while the latter two mods are at the very bottom. That fact commands almost universal asset. Description This mod changes how the player character levels, removing the need for efficient leveling and making character development more diverse. I use NMM (not Vortex) myself. Mainly at the lower levels of the game, gamers will have a less puzzling. If you level up a blade skill for example, your strength will rise by a certain number, you don't need to sleep to level up, just non-stop gameplay. Sometimes ini files need to be in documents/my games/oblivion, sometimes they need to be in the data folder, and other times it needs to be somewhere else. Level and attributes will increase naturally as your skills improve, without the need to micromanage. 1. So what I did: -Put the RL mod in the Bash Installers folder. 2. Fundament can do all of that and comes with presets to do this. Theoretically, you could level up to level 255, because that's the highest value Oblivion variables can handle. This requires OBMM v1. A key aspect of Oblivion is that when you level, the strength of most opponents increases: the level of many NPCs will be higher, and you will encounter more difficult creatures. 00 used More Topics from this Board. 1. 1. How can I fix it or how else can I install it? The . Brandybuck. This should help. Everything is working fine, except the levelling still seems to be the same as vanilla. I'm currently at level 17 and I'm fighting Daedroths and Xivilais, Ogres, all kinds of creatures in the wild and it's a blast! For one, playing as a spellcaster is much better than playing as a warrior. 2000 ; default = 0. Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) View more. Where Skyrim fixes this is by giving perks at each level, so gaining levels has a real benefit. This mod lets you play the game without thinking about the right skill increases, while keeping as close to the original game as possible. Looking at the UI, it still says that my level up progress is at 0%. I'm currently torn between a few different leveling mods. This mod changes leveling and attribute advances to be more realistic and provide better game play.